I’m Michael Glad to see you!

I'm a Full-Stack Software Engineer with a focus on creating (and occasionally designing) innovative digital experiences. I utilize a variety of technologies, notably Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, Javascript, React, and Redux to convert concepts into functional software applications.

Let's connect

About My Skills

About Myself

Hello I’m a software developer! I can help you build a product , feature or website Look through some of my work and experience! If you like what you see and have a project you need coded, don’t hesitate to contact me.

Get my resume

Languages Frameworks Databases Section


  • html-logo HTML
  • css-logo CSS
  • javascript-logo JavaScript
  • ruby-logo Ruby


  • laravel-logo Laravel
  • rails-logo Rails
  • nodejs-logo Node
  • redux-logo Redux
  • react-logo React
  • tailwindcss-logo Tailwind CSS


  • mysql-logo MySQL
  • posgresql-logo PostgreSQL